By luck we ended up here during Carnival. There were four or five days of concerts, parades, dancing, and general reverie before Lent. Unlike the Mari Gras festivities that we've attended in New Orleans and Galveston, here there were no beads thrown.

Several Queens were crowned.

One aspect of Carnival that we had not experienced before were these devils. Several guys dressed up in a variety of scary costumes. They carried a whip and they chased the children around. Teenagers would run out and taunt the devils, and the devils would whip their ankles and legs. The teenaged boys armed themselves with sticks and pvc pipes to protect themselves, but many of them got some stinging welts!

In contrast to some of the pretty dresses, this boy is dressed in colorful rags.

Another Queen.

After heating up, the cool water spray feels great.

These girls are getting ready to dance in one of the many parades.

Another parade participant.

Yes, these are the little drummer boys. What they lacked in rhythm, they made up with enthusiasm.

The parade will start any minute.
William and Henry are now certified open water SCUBA divers. I joined them on their last couple of dives.
Former bike racer, Henry, is now a bicycle vendor working somewhere in the islands of Panama.
Ky, our Australian friend from DaMojo, paddled over one morning with some fresh minnows for Mr. Perkins.

My new office, Bohmfalks, where I go to do e-mail.

We especially like number four: "...for see Indians and monkey."