Isla Mujeres

Playing in the water is one of the nice things about spending time on an island. Give a bunch of boys a pile of sand, and they can play for hours, digging holes, burying each other, and making sand-castles.

At Marina Milagro Del Mar the owners provide kayaks, and it's nice to go paddling just before sunset. Each night there is a spectacular sunset.

There are several hammocks and palapas that are great for lounging and reading. The boys sometimes do their schoolwork there.

One of our boat neighbors, Christopher, generously loaned us his Hookah dive compressor. The boys watched several instructional diving DVDs, and then we practiced in the shallow water off the dock before taking the rig out in the dinghy and diving off the north end of the island. William and Henry loved sitting on the bottom in about 15' of water and watching the colorful fish dart in and out of small caves in the reef.

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